Welcome to the Syntropy Quiz of March 2023.

30 Mar 2023, 15:00
Welcome to the Syntropy Quiz of March 2023! 🍉 Today we’ll be giving you a simple, but quite interactive quiz that we’ve prepared for you to participate in! There will be a total of 5 tasks for you to complete, each including details & requirements on how to become a winner! After spotting a correct answer from a community member, we will be turning off the chat and announcing specific task’s winner. After that, we proceed to the next one. Rules: 1) A community member can only claim his prize once - all of the tasks have equal amount of NOIA distributed 2) Please avoid NSFW content & messages 3) You may post your answers more than once if you didn’t get it right the first time 4) We will be providing hints if the task takes too long 5) Enjoy the Syntropy Quiz! First task starts in 5 minutes! 🍉