In December, we unveiled the Syntropy brand, announcing our vision for a unifying layer of the internet.

09 Feb 2021, 20:53
In December, we unveiled the Syntropy brand, announcing our vision for a unifying layer of the internet. In January, we started pushing this vision into reality by releasing Syntropy Stack, making adoption by developers possible. Then we went public with Syntropy Builders to kickstart that adoption. We are now approaching several important community-focused initiatives, including one most of us are looking forward to: DARP. DARP, led by Syntropy co-founder Bill Norton, is what monitors and analyzes the nodes in our network, understanding (in real-time) the current state of the internet’s pathways. We’ve been running a pre-launch network to execute these tests, using nearly every cloud and VPS network on the planet. But this was always just the start. We’re preparing for community access now. It’s time to get you connected. 🔸 Read the full Medium article here.