Building networks has always been challenging.

10 Feb 2021, 18:15
Building networks has always been challenging. Connecting hundreds, if not thousands of machines together to work in unison and deliver a safe and secure experience has created a multi-billion dollar management industry that grows every year. As more companies begin to offer products and services over the internet, development teams are tasked with adding more unique connections, plus creating security protocols to protect those connections. There is a consistent need across all network development teams for a product that can simplify the network creation and management process. Syntropy Stack is the solution. Syntropy Stack is already in use by developers, with gaming, blockchain, and IoT integrations already launched. We expect hundreds more integrations to launch in 2021. By solving a real need for engineering teams, we're making it easy for services, networks, and applications to route their traffic on the Syntropy Network by default. 🔸 Read the full Medium article here.