24 HOUR CHALLENGE: "God god morgon " from Sweden just off Midsummer Fest.

27 Jun 2022, 08:47
24 HOUR CHALLENGE: “God god morgon from Sweden just off Midsummer Fest. I dare each of you to share your best rendition of the Syntropy cherished logo IRL, such as what I have done here. All entries must be original creations, may include digital parts, mostly found objects, and must include a title. Winner chosen by me will get 5000 tokens just for fun from my personal wallet, 2nd place gets 2500, 3rd place gets 1000. It will be the first tokens I have released in so many moons I can’t count. To a great contest. My kickoff entry Syntropy + Cardamom Integration Sparks Wild Market Buying Frenzy” 2022. Winners will be chosen within 48 hours after contest ends. All entries must include why u bought and hold Noia and have a regional flare from where u live. Tonyg- Syntropy board of advisors, investor and friend ramprate.com/tonyg Roman @jaskunas @sijonas @dominicm2 @dariusrugys SPREAD THE WORD EVERYWHERE